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Reviews near Sunderland, MA

4.70 of 5 average rating (4669 reviews)

3 of 5
“ Did a very good job on everything except the very back where we put the dogs. There was still a bit of dog hair not a lot, but I feel paying an extra $65 to get all the hair out. It should be all gone, but all in all he did a good job. I should have said something, but there was a communication barrier there and I just didn’t feel like dealing with it. ”
5 of 5
“Samuel did an amazing job today. I tipped cash but was short $10 so please give to him. Thank you. ”
5 of 5
“Looks showroom clean! The guys did a great, through job! Thanks!”
5 of 5
“I’ve been using for 5 years. Always do a great job. The Technician who did my car today deserves some recognition. My car looks like it just came from the dealership. Best job by any Technician in the 5 years. Thank you!!!!”
Dean from Woburn, MA
Super Interior
Sat Apr 27, 2024
5 of 5
Rebecca from Shrewsbury, MA
Heavy Soil-Stains for 2016 Ford Explorer
Fri Apr 26, 2024
5 of 5

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