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Reviews near Camas, WA

4.73 of 5 average rating (1531 reviews)

5 of 5
“Excellent job, my car was extremely dirty inside and out. It now looks brand new. Give this guy a big raise as hugs might not be appropriate.”
5 of 5
“Excellent and professional! Job well done. I am extremely happy with my new and beautifully clean interior!”
Maureen from Edmonds, WA
Sat Jul 4, 2015
2.5 of 5
“Hello, Trying to get ahold of management to relove this issue one the day of appointment,deatailed people called and asked for power,I said I as told you have your own.person said they would have to get a generator and return.then after leaving they called and said they couldn't clean behind the seats because they couldnt get the top down,cause they didn't have a keyto operate motor to lower top,i told them it was manuel.they said they would rechedule for sunday cause they had broke down.I said fine we agreed on called or text on sunday.I called and texted.nothing.they called texted monday to set time.we again agreed on tuesday 1200.No show no call I called and texted tuesday.nothing.they called me thurday saying bill would be reduced,cause they were too busy.waiting for a call back...again Rick 651.329.1445”
5 of 5
“Very nice guys!! They did an Excellent job, my car has never looked so good! I will recommend your company to my friends!! Thank You!!!”
Will from Issaquah, WA
Wed Jul 1, 2015
5 of 5
“Very professional and thorough. I would definitely call them again!”
5 of 5
“Excellent job. Very pleased. Will use u again!”
5 of 5
“Pablo did an awesome job! My 9 year old car looks brand new again and my leather seats look and feel fantastic!!”

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