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Reviews near Palm Coast, FL

4.76 of 5 average rating (84 reviews)

5 of 5
“5 excellent job”
1 of 5
“1 very dissatisfied with service”
5 of 5
“5, the car is magnificent! Thank you.”
4 of 5
“4.5 on time very good job just notice after that there were several big parts on the front grill and bumper area that wasn't buffed out from the wax - ha”
Lisa from Fort Myers, FL
Mon Feb 23, 2015
5 of 5
“5... he did and outstanding job all around.”
5 of 5
Melissa from Longwood, FL
Sun Feb 22, 2015
5 of 5
“5 things were great!”
5 of 5
“5 glad to have him clean my car will sure have him do it again”
Edward from Port Richey, FL
Fri Feb 20, 2015
5 of 5
“5. Did a fantastic job car looks cleaner and shinier then it ever has. Great smooth feeling to it. Clay and wax makes the color pop more.”

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