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Reviews near Mullica Hill, NJ

4.73 of 5 average rating (2069 reviews)

5 of 5
“Amazing job! Very thorough. ”
5 of 5
“Great job!”
2.5 of 5
“I asked for a exterior only for my 86 jeep. I advised it have a fiber glass shell with a green coating that has oxidized. Which was the whole point of scheduling the detailing. They came. Only equipment they brought was a tiny power washer. They washed waxed and tire shine. Great job if that’s what I asked for. I also advised no garage and no shade. They did not bring a tent and since my wife can’t drive stick they sat in my driveway for 30 minutes waiting for me to get home to move it into the shade of a tree. Then get an invoice for the full detail they didn’t do. ”
5 of 5
“Excellent service!”
Shirley from Dover, NJ
Tue Jul 11, 2023
5 of 5
“Julian was excellent ”
5 of 5
“Wonderful job!! This was the first ever detailing on our car and what a fantastic job done. The through details and time taken to do a perfect job was done with pride. It looked like a new car and the hubcaps looked brand new. Very satisfied and would recommend highly.”

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